Friday, April 20, 2012

Welcome to How to Prevent Bullying from Reoccuring

Students from flushing High School take a stand for Stopping Bullying after fellow student dies. Video derive from Youtube. Video Listed below:

How can teachers & parents prevent bullying from happening in the classroom and beyond? Here are four tips that any teacher can implement to help curb bullying in the classroom. Retrieved from

Prevent Bullying Tip #1:  Create a “Check it at the Door” Policy
this can be a “safe space" for all teachers & parents by posting class rules. Policy is very crucial to create a positive environment for every student the second they step into the classroom. And it’s important that students recognize what they’re entering into as soon as they open the door. A “Check It at the Door” policy is most effective when it’s posted on or outside the door to the classroom. 

Prevent Bullying Tip #2: Write Everything down
Memory can be fleeting when things are written based on experiences and documenting actions; Patterns can uncover truths. It can be done by keeping a journal. Evidence is essential when written, so it won't be hard to forget and ignore the issues. This will enable teacher & parent’s t be more pro-active. If record incidents on a computer, research for incidents in seconds with a few keystrokes.

Prevent Bullying Tip #3: Share Your Own Bullying Experience
Every student should take part in active listening skills. Perhaps, laughter can be a powerful teaching tool and it’s important to demonstrate to students that you were once a kid. Sharing story alleviates pain, guilt, and suffering or share with them some famous examples, like child star
Taylor Lautner, better known as dream-boy of the Twilight series, which used to be bullied in school because he wanted to be an actor. These anecdotes might spark the confidence in a victim to come forward to an adult or even speak up for themselves.

Prevent Bullying Tip #4:  Make Yourself Available to Students
bullying doesn’t always happen in the classroom. In fact, bullying happens outside of school hours, off school grounds, or online known as cyber bullying. But that doesn’t mean that the effects of bullying don’t trickle into the school day and that teachers are helpless. Teachers who show up for class right before the start of the day, eat lunch in the teacher’s lounge every day and zoom out with the dismissal bell aren’t accessible to students who need a listening ear. This can be a prime example for college professors likewise elementary and secondary school teachers. They should post “open office hours,” where students know they are comfortable approaching teachers to discuss openly. Allowing students to attend occasional sporting event, school dance or academic competition will eventually attract students to communicate effectively with teachers, peers, and outside classrooms.

Thank You For Building A Bully-Free Environment Wherever You Go!!