Saturday, March 17, 2012

Listings of Ministries and Prayer Line

These ministries provided can be a wonderful resources to pray for you. They will also keep information confidential. You can request e-mail confirmation message sent directly to you.

Kenneth Copeland Ministry prayer line 1- (817)852-6000 or visit website (Operation hours from Mon-Fri)

Silent Unity Prayer Line 1-(800) 669-7729 or visit website (24-7 days a week)

Richard Roberts Ministry prayer line 1 (918) 495-7777 or visit website (24-7 days a week)

Rod Parsley Ministry or Breakthrough Ministry (614) 837-3232 or visit website (24-7 days a week)

Trinity Broadcasting Network prayer line/customer service 1 (888) 731-1000 or visit website (24-7 days a week)

Remember you are not alone and don't have to be tolerated by bully. God bless you!


Thursday, March 15, 2012